Issue summary
I have been using Lingq daily since september 2020 and next september I will pass the 4 year mark. As I currently live in Finland I am acutely aware of my inability to understand Finns on television or in podcasts. My suspicion is a lack of vocabulary and I also suspect that my way of reading contributes to the slow buildup of vocab. So I started reading extensively, but I noticed that it is practically impossible for me to do this for extensive periods. Unlike LIngq, which I could do forever.
Lingq and what is the problem?
Reading through Lingq forces one to look up and define all the words in a lesson. Even to the extent, that if you declare a lesson finished, Lingq will define all new words as … “empty”, no definition. In other words, I never dared to declare a lesson finished before defining all the words. That slows down the process of reading a lot.
The long term effect of this way of working is that I eventually got used to knowing the definition of every word I read. As I understand it, this is intensive reading where you can only progress so much per day.
Unfortunately, I only recently became aware of this feeling. In retrospect I should have realized sooner, but I was pretty focused on doing a minimum amount of work in Lingq and the rest of the time I did Finnish was outside of Lingq, listening to podcasts and television broadcasts (mainly news). And to a lesser extent, reading articles.
Extensive reading
Recently, I understood why people need extensive reading as well and so I started. As this is impossible in LIngq due to the obsessive “filling-in-empty-definitions”, I started reading a book. That is when I discovered the enormous amount of discomfort one experiences when reading extensively.
The idea is, when you read a full chapter in one go, without looking up words, you jot down words that occur multiple times, enough to bother you in understanding the meaning of the chapter. So, once done, you look up the 3 or 5 most occurring words that seem essential to the chapter. Then you have a choice. You can re-read the chapter or you can just continue, both with your newly looked up words in mind. If the words are indeed essential, they will return. Provided you read enough in a day, your subconscious will pick up both words and structures automatically. And I do stress enough.
EDIT: Of course extensive reading implies understanding the text globally. 98% always makes me smile when picking up a book to read. We are not accurate and certainly not for 98%. As long as I understand the text mostly, I am fine. Thanks for the comment @dominic_deboer.
why do I have to break my streak at 1401?
Upkeep of my streak has become an obligation, in stead of a marker of progress. It is the first thing I do every day and it has become more and more of a grind where I can only do Finnish properly after finishing Lingq.
Don’t get me wrong, I will continue to use Lingq. It will just no longer be driven by a streak. My need to listen and read intensively or find new vocab will drive whether I use LIngq or not.
Also, the feeling of obligation needs to go. I have no use for it. My suspicion is that the motivating effect it had lasted only the few months, maybe a year. After that, the effects diminish. I was too much focused on showing that Finnish was serious to consider it a disadvantage.
Now I know better. I have to throw off the chains of needing to know all the words and focus on massive reading and listening. I can still use Lingq, but no longer driven by obligation.
So, I hope this helps someone who may have experienced the same issues. Or not.