Extension: Rooster Observer - Edit LingQs for all lesson words



for 1.52

  • Added New Word → Known word button
  • Style fixes for some menus

for 1.52

  • Added New Word → Known word button
  • Style fixes for some menus

for 1.51
→ Added Text to Speech and Translate fragment button to LITE

for 1.50
→ Bug fix for ignore word in LITE container.

for 1.49
→ Bug fix for updating new word text after creation
→ small GUI updates to new word container

for 1.48
→ bug fix preventing LITE container from removing

for 1.47
→ Added translate button (Which creates a hint button) for words without hints. (Observer & Observer Lite)

for 1.46
→ Added fragment support for Arabic, Bulgarian and all European characters. (Asian and Latin were already included)

for 1.45
→ Added entire LingQ Text to speech voice map

for 1.44
→ Added TTS voice selection for each word/phrase on New/LingQed/Known words.
→ Caches each audio for each voice as required for uninterrupted playback
→ Flex update on grammar input row

for 1.43
→ Fix for certain terms not bolding in phrases
→ Consistency for drag handle sizing
→ Fix for observer box replacing LingQ box when active

for 1.42
→ Improved Dictionaries Menu

for 1.41
→ Fixed display if fragment is null

for 1.40
→ Simplified GUI colors / styling
→ Audio consistency
→ Fragments toggle
→ Term is now bold in the phrase

for 1.39
→ Added Display more fragments button
→ Added ‘New Word’ button
→ GUI update for Status selection

for 1.38
→ Added Transliteration for Known/Lingqed words.
→ Global display toggle at the top that persists between reloads

for 1.37
→ Added colors for selected and translated hints in Known/Lingqed words
→ Changed selected hint color

for 1.36
→ Bug fixes for New words Creation/Update
→ Phrase shows before Lingqing on new words

for 1.35
→ Added Translate button to Phrases
→ Added Translation fragment box

for 1.34
→ Changed Hint Button display
→ Added Dictionaries for All languages
→ Add/Remove Dictionaries

→ Added close button to Observer LITE

→ Fix for broken tags on LingQed words

→ Styling updates
→ Bug fix for all hints button
→ Grammar and Translation Line Starters added

→ Second and Third meanings support
→ Extra Meanings auto load and extra boxes are toggle-able
→ Added Notes section for all word types
→ Line Starters moved to Notes Section
→ Bug fixes for updating new LingQs


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