Deactivate automatic reading

I see, thank you for the explanation. Do you have a changelog or any sort of page that I can watch to see what changes/bugfixes are made and when?

That would be a great help for knowing when to give the new UI another try.

We should post some fixes by the middle of next week. I will post updates here in this thread. We don’t have a public change log.

@mark: Just want to say thanks for the tip about using the keyboard shortcuts. It’s something I haven’t used much before but now have made my practice (in the old UI) more efficient. Thank you

A few updates were pushed today on the Vocabulary page:

  • Clicking the Review button now selects all terms in the list if none are selected already
  • Status 4 LingQs no longer suppressed in Review sessions
  • Tag filter search only includes your tags from that specific language
  • SRS dates are now sorted in the correct order

Thanks Mark. It still reads the term automatically, but I appreciate the news.

Thanks for the update, looking forward to the next set.

Hi Mark. Wanted to follow up with you about the status of the #3 issue above to which you responded “We’ll see what we can do…”. Do you have anything to share on that?

I’m very happy with the changes you’ve made to the new UI over the last couple of months and this is the only thing holding me back from switching to using the new UI completely.

For reference, the experience I’m hoping to become available in the new UI is what I can get in the old UI (Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online.)


Sorry tomsu. No progress on that I’m afraid. Thanks for bumping this.

Thank you for the update. No worries as long as you keep the old UI around. If you don’t mind I’ll continue bumping it every 2-3 months or so :wink: