Czech as reached requirements to become supported language

That is fair, as much I would like to go back to Arabic I understand prioritizing other issues and more popular languages for the time being. Hopefully the site can keep growing and you will eventually have more money and manpower for the site. I am a big believer in the lingq method.

yea but how many people actually want to bother learning esperanto?

We have not made the number of people who want to study a language a criterion for supporting languages at LingQ, but rather the quantity and quality of content. We could be the “go to” site for Esperanto, or any other less studied language, and that would more than justify making it a supported language at LingQ.

how can we get this?

Just wanted to say, the audio for the Czech “who is she” is really lousy. It should probably be rerecorded.

I confirm :frowning:

Yes, the quality and variety of the Czech content and the audio for it is a problem. If anyone wants to record another version of “who is she” or any of the other “LingQ beginner courses”, we would welcome it. there is a very modest reward in terms of points for putting content into our libraries. For those who are able to get past the beginner stages in Czech there are wonderful resources iout there for both e-books and audiobooks that can make the study of Czech at LingQ a real delight. I recently downloaded the app for Respekt magazin and for this in combination with the new iOS app for LingQ makes these two mobile devices marvellous places to learn languages. And of course this is not just for the Czech Language.

What about Esperanto? Any plans on moving it to the list of the fully supported languages?

I’ve made a translation of Eating Out in Belarusian, some of the lessons were also recorded with male and female voices. Should I continue collecting Belarusian content hoping to satisfy the requirements in some years? It does not motivate me to continue. Is it possible to make an invisible list of “gamma” or “omega” languages just to collect the lessons?

I am sold. I was in debate which Slavic language to learn after Russian and I have been leaning towards Czech because I have Czech heritage and frankly I like the way it sounds… but I wasn’t sure if there would be enough good content out there to merit the effort. I’ve had trouble in the past finding content with Levantine Arabic and Norwegian. Is there a discrepancy between the quantity and quality of Polish, Slovakian, Ukrainian, and Czech content? Do you have a favorite among them?

What about Esperanto? I don’t know. Is there enough content there to justify making it a supported language? You tell me. As for Belarusian, I don’t know how big the market is. A place to accumulate language content is a good idea. Our group is busy with what they are doing, I hesitate to suggest that. But leave it with me. I will try to think of a way.

Our Polish content is the strongest, thanks to Piotr of Real Polish, and his site is a great place to follow up by buying more of his great content to support him. I would love to redo the Czech and maybe one day I will. Once you get some traction in Czech there is a lot of good material to buy and import. While not ideal, what we have was of great help to me. It got me to the stage where I could use other material.

Yes, Esperanto has enough content.

Has there been any progress on the mini stories effort for Czech?

For now we have only one Czech volunteer so not much progress with that language. Hopefully someone else will contact me.

Is the list of the volunteers the same as it was once provided? Did anybody else join us?

I am hoping that when I am at the polyglot conference in Bratislava I can encourage more to join the effort. Note that we are now offering 2 free months of LingQ for every 5 lessons translated and one for every 5 lessons recorded (and approved for quality).

More people joined the project since then and translations/recordings for many languages are work in progress and I am receiving new files every day. We are behind in some languages like Czech, French, German, Finish… but overall we are making great progress so far. This will be long project but I am sure that we will have mini stories completed and uploaded for lot of languages.