Climate Change

Calling that cartoon dishonest is about as dishonest as it gets.

To be honest, I think so-called lingq “moderators” just get off on spamming the forums with their political views, and completely shutting down any contrary views.

Not very good moderation, imo. Spineless, in fact.

Being able to divorce science from politics was the whole point of the cartoon.

No, ColinJohnston is correct. It’s a very misleading way to describe climate science, I always offer the open invitation to come down here to the University where we do this sort of thing.

It’s not about specific weather predictions, but the reality that humans adding co2 and greenhouse gases into the air DOES change the climate. 10’s of thousands of scientists have concluded this across the globe with the data all pointing in this direction.

Scott adams again discredits himself by using the sea ice argument which is of course wrong as I have explained many

Here is detailed, point by point de construction of said dishonest cartoon.

Calling my calling the cartoon dishonest about as dishonest as it gets is about as dishonest as it gets…or something.

“To be honest, I think so-called lingq “moderators” just get off on spamming the forums with their political views, and completely shutting down any contrary views.”

I don’t know what you are referring to. Has anybody shut down your view on this forum? Have your posts been deleted? I don’t even have the ability to delete people’s posts.

“Being able to divorce science from politics was the whole point of the cartoon.”

Quite the opposite. The point of the cartoon is to lie about climate science for political purposes.

The people of Iceland similarly complained about such temperatures. In 1939. And the people of Ireland in 1887. Must have been all that man-made global warming.

Do you genuinely miss all the ‘hottest day for 100 years’ news spreads or do you conveniently ignore them ?

So did UEA in Norwich, UK. They were threatened with withdrawal of funding if they didn’t get their answers right.

All mainstream science is funded by interested third parties (ie, big business, the types who also own governments). Big business and government are therefore telling us that we’re causing the earth to warm up, slapping taxes on numerous things to get more money out of us all whilst their buddies in the companies producing the stuff that is killing the planet (oil, plastic, drugs, pharma etc) aren’t prevented from doing the stuff that’s killing the planet. Sounds legit.

Someone says maybe the science isn’t really 100% true and people are scoffing at that ?

Well and truly cucked. Is ANYONE able to think for themselves any more ? Lemmings the lot of you.

I do however hope all you climate change loonies don’t drive, use plastic, fly anywhere…well you get the picture. Lemmings, loonies AND hypocrites.

AND PS the whole man-made climate change thing is rubbish. We’re not causing the planet to heat up we’re destroying the planet by farming, oil and water pollution.

An expected result of the long term warming of the planet is that there would be many hottest days on record spread out over time. Maybe you can try to explain what your point is meant to be?

“All mainstream science is funded by interested third parties (ie, big business, the types who also own governments).”

That depends on the science. Quite a bit of research is funded by big business, but most of the hard sciences is government funded. The thing you should understand about government funding agencies in western Europe and North America is that what science they fund is usually not decided by them. The process is that scientists apply for funding for their projects and the funding agencies then get external experts to decide which ones should be funded. In Austria, where I work, these experts are always from outside the country.

“Someone says maybe the science isn’t really 100% true and people are scoffing at that ?”

I have never seen anybody scoff at the claim that science is not 100% true. In fact, I don’t think I have even seen it claimed that science is 100% true. It is well known and accepted by everybody that what we think is true based on science often turns out to be false.