Benny, Videos And Showing Off

I believe in some instances it can also have a negative effect. If for example, I’m just starting out with my first foreign language and I watch a video of some guy speaking 5 different languages, then it’s either going to scare me or have me in a state of awe. I’ll believe the guy is some sort of genius and that I’ll never make it. It can even make me believe that “I’m not cut out to do this, this is so !@#^@!#!@ impossible, etc”

Benny’s videos are much more down to earth, and I believe the message he gets across is that anyone can do it and you don’t need a degree in linguistics to achieve it. He is somebody I can relate to easier than say “Professor. John Langmaster” who can speak 20 languages. I for one, appreciate the work he does and hope he continues.

Then he should be Benny the Irish Motivational Speaker or Benny the Irish Rent-a-Friend. If you call yourself a polyglot in public, get ready to prove it. If I hire a cooking teacher, I want to sample his food before I go to a class.

I have the guide hack guide and I can say it’s a tremendous waste of time and lose money.

this guide does not have any tips on learning languages​​, only
false stories about this liar.

James, forums are excellent places to go off in many directions, and I think that’s great. My complaint is about the direction always being the same in LingQ when I’m involved: negative comments about me. Yes, this does annoy me, especially when it’s so consistent, is that really surprising? Instead of discussing the topic at hand or introducing a neutral aside, Steve has presented me with loaded questions. I see no progress in engaging in those questions.
@Tony Thanks, this is the point I was trying to make.

@Paynex Yep, no tips at all, including from all the other polyglots I interviewed. It’s just a list of stories I made up. Glad you paid such good attention. And thanks for another relevant contribution to the discussion about polyglot videos [sigh].

Is asking a self proclaimed polyglot to actually prove it jumping on him? Why do Benny’s fanboys hold him to a different standard than they would any other person.


I’ve seen some of the videos Benny posted and although his Czech/Thai missions were disappointing, the point is, he tried and wasn’t scared to use the little he had learnt. Without starting a debate on Input vs Output, Benny’s advise encouraged me to stop reading and studying stuff all day and to just get off my ass and talk. It would be nice to see more videos of Benny out and about speaking the language, but having more proof won’t change the validitity of the advise he gives. I bought his book because I enjoyed his blog and the down-to-earth, truth about what he writes about. If he did post videos, then do you think it would actually change people’s views of him? Haters would pick out every mistake in a continual effort to prove he is a fraud. I’ve seen people do the same to Steve’s videos as well.

Also, why don’t people attack other Polyglots such as Randy @ yearlyglot. Randy doesn’t post any videos (Except his Italian one to promote his book), and he has a successful blog which has lots of good advise. I don’t doubt he is a Polyglot, and videos are not important for me to prove he is. Why should the rules be different for Benny?


After filtering out your personal attacks in your reply to me (which I sometimes find challenging), I see that you were trying to make the 2 following points:

  1. You accuse me of exposing your public blog posts here to alert the forum members.

  2. You “don’t think polyglots who upload videos are dancing monkeys” and you “didn’t say anything of the sort”

As for point #1, even though you bring this up again and again, I’d never considered defending myself, 'cos I thought it would be a pretty obvious illogical accusation.

But here is my point. I follow a fair protocol to post up my discussions:

  1. I find something interesting or controversial to discuss
  2. I create a thread and post up the LINK TO THE ORIGINAL SOURCE
  3. I form my own opinion, and open up the discussion
  4. People who are interested join in. People who are no interested will ignore.
  5. They agree or disagree with me, or talk about something else
  6. I defend my position, and they defend theirs, and so on.

There are people in the past disagreed with me and form their own opinions. For example, some people thought that I was off when you said “Mastering a language does take time”, but fluency does not. (

Instead of taking it out-of-context, I considered more context, including your other post on fluency, in which you said, “I consider fluency to be about 90-95% “perfect”.” (Defining fluency in order to achieve fluency! » Fluent in 3 Months)

As for point #2, please read my post carefully and don’t “quickly skim” through it. I was asking a question: “According to his own post, can these be classified as ‘Monkey Dance’ videos?” And you were making your point. Fair enough.

I will let people to form their own opinions. I post the original source here, and for those who want to discuss, please read the whole post carefully and don’t just skim through it (Girls vs guys and the dancing-monkey reason to learn a language » Fluent in 3 Months).

Benny, neither you or me are going to control the comments on this forum. It is up to you whether you choose to participate or not, same as anyone else. I am tired of biting my tongue on my own forum. I am not going to continue to censor myself as I have been doing for the last little while.

Payne is perfectly entitled to his views, in particular since he bought your book.

Your consistent personal attacks on Edwin, calling him pathetic, directing snide comments his way like “Great job on “alerting” Steve by the way!” as if there was something nasty in mentioning your recent blog post, all strike me as childish, but that is your style. I might add that I find your self-pitying posturing here equally childish. In the famous words of Russel Peters in his youtube video imitating a Chinese shopkeeper, “Be a man!”.(google it).

You refer to my questions as loaded. Why? You were offended that Edwin referred me to your most recent blog post. You object to Edwin’s comments about that blog post, why? These are his views. If you don’t want people to comment on your views, don’t post on your blog. You can censor your own blog, you cannot censor this forum. Here are my views.

Your blog post is a superficial rant against figments of your imagination. I have posted the link above here in this thread so anyone can read the whole text, I will comment on a few quotes. You can call them out of context, but they are representative as anyone reading the whole post can see for themselves.

Quote #1.

"there is one end-use (to language learning) that really annoys the hell out of me: to show off.
Gather around and watch my performance!!

I like to call this the dancing-monkey reason to learn a language. Such a person doesn’t actually see any worth in the language itself; they just want attention from people."

Whom are you talking about here Benny? What right have you to judge what motivates other people to learn languages. In my view the only thing that matters is whether they enjoy learning the language and learn to communicate in the language they have chosen to learn.

Quote # 2

“Demonstrating to the world how great you are by speaking a bunch of languages is the ultimate ego-inflation. It’s the best party trick ever; being multilingual can be as good as being a dancing monkey in terms of getting attention; at least to the person who thinks it will work.”

Again whom are you referring to here?

Quote # 3

"The great pissing competition

And now comes the ugly side of language learning; something you would never expect from language learning; which is ultimately a way to communicate and bridge gaps between people: Verbal wars fuelled by testosterone.

I find it mind boggling when I look online in forums, and on some websites when I see how some polyglots treat one another, both towards me and towards others I’ve personally talked to and know are genuine. I’ve personally gotten so much abuse, insults and character attacks online that I’ve never discussed on this blog. I’m genuinely trying to encourage the world to learn languages, but endless arguments about irrelevant or misleading things will shadow this and attempt to portray me as an evil force."

As long as you make claims that you are unwilling to back up, (and I don’t say unable since I just don’t know) and react so defensively to any critical questioning, you will be subject to more criticism and questioning. There is no way to avoid it. You should not confuse healthy skepticism about your claims with a “pissing match” amongst polyglots, which I have not found to be the case. I get the odd troll, but they are few and far between.

Quote # 4

“If you are learning a language to impress people, then let me tell you right now that you are wasting your time! You simply won’t be getting the validation you seek, or if you do, it will be as superficial as your need to get it.”

Impressing others, native speakers, friends, relatives, etc. is a part of the motivation of a language learner, and quite legitimate. If you speak well you will impress these people. What is the problem?

Quote # 5

“When people do find out I’m a polyglot”

as if you hide the fact. Are you kidding? You have a blog called Benny the Irish Polyglot, sell a book on Language Hacks, claim to travel the world learning languages and post regularly about the subject and when someone asks you what you do you say “Shucks I would rather not say”.?

Quote # 6

“When I speak to any individual I only ever need one language; the one they speak and that’s why I learned it in the first place. If I were to rattle off French or whatever at them just to show that I can (which you’ll be happy to hear that I don’t), rather than be impressed they’d realise that it’s just a weak male ego seeking validation. Sadly this is what I see online occasionally when people use their languages for no reason but status.”

Most people only speak one language and do not rattle off irrelevant languages in a conversation. Who does this in conversations?

Yes there are people who do videos of themselves speaking various languages online, and I presume they are the targets of this article., me, Moses, Stu Jay Ray, Lucca etc. You want to tell these people to stop doing it because you don’t do it.

(Quote # 7) “Try not to learn a language as a party trick; the world has enough dancing monkeys as it is!”

The fact is that these “dancing monkeys” have credibility because we can see them backing up what they claim to be able to do. Sadly this is not the case with most of your claims, and as long as that situations persists, you will continue to be viewed skeptically by many, despite the great work you do in promoting language learning.

To me your entire post is a meaningless rant about nothing.

There it is, not out of context, on subject, and with that I would suggest that we cancel our discussion on Tuesday because I find your way of discussing things dishonest and unpleasant and I do not want to be involved.

He was the one that cancelled it, not me. I was hoping to find common ground and would still be willing to do that despite you turning another potentially interesting discussion into a list of all the mistakes I’m apparently making. If you don’t like a blog post that’s too bad. Whenever I glance at your blog I see plenty of “meaningless rants about nothing”, but I see no need to have that annoy me.

I bite my tongue quite a lot too. I have only insulted people or been aggressive towards them as they attack me. I don’t make a point to go stomping around the Internet insulting people. Insult me and I’ll insult you back; probably not the most mature thing to do, but I’m human. I’ve never brought the fight to anyone.

Now that Steve isn’t playing nice with me any more I expect the waves of negativity to collapse upon me as others follow suit. To think that I was actually making peace with several members too.

I’m disappointed that you aren’t thinking of the bigger picture Steve and want to focus on maintaining conflict between us. But that’s your decision. However, this is one thing that I did discuss in that post; testosterone seems to rule these discussions more than logic and trying to work towards something meaningful.


“Dooo, you’re merely proving what Benny is trying to say.”

I asked a pretty reasonable question. That is not an attack. Your reply is you inflicting your circular fanyboy logic on us.

“Secondly, Benny has done loads of videos, so inflict your inability to use youtube on us.”

Links to a video that show an unscripted output over a several minutes please. So far I have one for Spanish.

“Why do Steve’s fanboys hold Benny to a different standard than they would any other person?”

I am not a fanboy of Steve. As a language learning aficionado, I hold Steve to the same standards as any self-proclaimed expert on something. Steve has personally tutored me in French. Steve has numerous videos in multiple languages. I know native speakers of those languages who are not part of LingQ who exclaim that he is very good at them. I did my homework with Steve, as most of the people here I am sure have. Doing the same normal rational vetting of Benny comes up with an intentionally misleading, passive aggressive, hypersensitive, hyperbolic, glutton for attention. These are not random insults, these are carefully chosen descriptors. If Benny was not so glaringly questionable I wouldn’t say anything.

I do say he is successful at attracting followers. I respect that. I am sure this whole thing is an attempt at building his brand. But he don’t like the heat, he should stay out of the kitchen,


You are describing a motivational speaker, not a polyglot or someone who can become “fluentinthreemonths” by any normal interpretation of “fluent”. Once again, asking for reasonable proof of for anyone who is a polyglot is no more an attack than asking a financial guru for proof of his wealth or methods, asking a cook to give you some samples before you hire him etc etc… it is a reasonable question.

I respect if he motivates you to learn, it is the specifics of his claims that I am questioning.


Why do you believe his latest post about dancing monkeys is a personal attack against yourself? I don’t see the videos you upload as bragging and I’m not sure why you think he does (I’m presuming you do). You don’t see it so much on this forum or on Benny’s site, but you can certainly see the pissing competitions going on in other forums, where the number of languages somebody speaks is as important as their penis size.

No Benny I do not mind you posting meaningless rants. I am sure I do the same, and we both do it to attract traffic. I only object to your consistent implication that people who criticize you have not read your stuff, are malevolent, motivated by the desire to maintain conflict, and all these other red herrings. Benny the victim just gets on my nerves and I am tired of it.

Precisely Tony. Steve is taking my post VERY personally. I think he feels it was written about him? I’ve hinted towards my discussions in LingQ in the post, but they were in different contexts like mentioning unproductive bickering and arguments fuelled by testosterone. Disagree with this if you will, but I’m not insulting anybody in particular. And just in case there is any doubt, I don’t think Steve is a dancing monkey for heaven’s sakes… As Tony says, there are people who fit the description of my article elsewhere.

But I do think too much testosterone and too little thinking outside of egos (which is equally my fault and Steve’s) are what keep these arguments going on so endlessly.


"Fanboy logic- no, it’s common sense. The first post was about polyglots in general recording videos. "

Unlike you and Benny, and like almost everyone else I interact with on Internet discussion boards, I do not avoid questions based on a rigid, subjective sense of what the parametres of a topic are. Things evolve. It’s not like I suddenly brought up global warming or anything.

“You and a few others have now turned it to the 60 billionth rant about Benny I have read on the web. It’s absurd,”

It is not a rant. It is a simple, reasonable question… it has been avoided “60 billion” times.

“I’ve seen your youtube channel etc”

So what. I don’t make claims to do anything in my videos… oh except teach. I have hosted 100+ discussions here. I don’t make claims to teach anyone anything in “x” amount of time. My channel name is just a bunch of random letters and numbers. I still can question others who do make claims.

"and it’s all mainly because of a URL. “”

Yes. A URL is pretty important. People make a living copyrighting and selling URLs. It also happens to be the name of his blog.

“I would hardly call it rational. Benny does a positive review about LingQ, which leads to around 100 comments and three blog posts by Steve (not forgetting the numerous videos on the same subject). Then there are all the forum posts which appear on LingQ. We just seem to receive a constant bombardment of complaints about Benny.”

Did you even read my post? I am comparing language cred, not SEO scores or brand recognition. I even say I respect Benny’s brand building.

“glutton for attention”

Yes. Steve is also one for the same reasons as Benny, but with much more language cred, better grasp of debate and without recourse to whining and hypersensitive emotionalism.

“I’d say the reason he doesn’t like the heat is because he is mainly interested in showing how beneficial it can be to learn a language. He has no interest in pedantry or internet trolling.”

I think he is mainly interested (as is Steve) in building his brand to eventually generate better income. If Benny is not interested in trolling, why has he come here in the first place since he seems to say he is tired of it and hates it. NO it is just another red herring. He loves it. If it were as bad as he said, he would be gone already.

Thank you James!

@dooo I’m still waiting to see if Steve is interested in doing something productive together, more important than our petty arguments with one another, as we had initially agreed on. The only thing that seems to have changed since he invited me is his very emotional reaction to a blog post that he feels was about him. I’m quite surprised and disappointed at this sudden change.

Once I’m sure that’s definitely not going to happen then I’ll have no reason to stick around. I can assure you that the very minor traffic of mostly haters I get from LingQ forums is not part of my brand building strategy :stuck_out_tongue:

No Benny I do not think that your blog post was directed at me in particular, nor do I care if it was. Edwin directed me there yesterday, I read it and simply felt that it was a long-winded justification for you not to make videos of yourself speaking languages in natural settings. That was not what made me decide to not have our discussion.

It was your treatment of Edwin, followed by your comment that my questions asking you why you were so aggressive towards Edwin were somehow loaded questions. This amounted to the tipping point, “la goutte qui a fait déborder le vase”.

You always see yourself as the victim, you claim that people don’t understand your message, or distort your message. So I went to the trouble of going through your just to show that Edwin’s criticism and characterization of that post were fair.

To be honest I had not been reading your long diatribes here in any detail, but as I quickly reviewed them and saw all the “cow doos” and “Timewasters” and personal attacks and whining and caterwauling from you here, I just said to myself forget it. I have other things to do.

Edwin has been quite obsessed with me lately, I pointed out that it was annoying me. He has said some nasty things about me misleading people, my overpriced guide etc., so I drew attention to that and of course got angry and wrote angrily. This is why he got this “treatment”. It’s double standards to make him the victim you are suddenly protecting.

I’ve written angrily about people before on this forum, and yet you were very eager to talk to me knowing that.

I said your questions were loaded after you had already decided not to do the interview. (Scroll up and see) Your reasons for not wanting to go on make no sense. I still believe it’s nothing more than macho pride. Our exchange today has done nothing but prove that what I wrote yesterday was much more than “a meaningless rant about nothing”. This entire argument is fuelled by testosterone. Use of words like “whining”, “long winded” etc. show that you aren’t thinking about this logically; it’s all purely emotional; the very thing you accuse me of acting on so frequently.

Whoops, you’re right about the “loaded” being before; it was on a different page. So I take that back :wink:

Still, it’s a pity you weren’t willing to work together. A neutral observer might even suggest that I had been quite patient in trying to make sure this talk went ahead, being more diplomatic than I have been known to have been, despite how you’ve treated me over the last year…

I only want to spread a positive language learning message. Potentially working with you on this was why I got in touch well over a year ago. Ever since, it’s only been this clash. Arguments that you and this community have dug up with no purpose other than to expose me as a fraud. I just see that as week male ego to be totally frank. My ego obviously shows when I get angry about the attacks, but despite the more mature conversation style, your not-so-pretty side has been showing too Steve.

So yes, I’m done arguing here. I’m not closing the invitation for a talk entirely, even though you do have a terrible reputation of bad-mouthing me online so I have every reason to dislike you on many levels. I’m willing to put my ego aside to encourage language learners. It’s a pity you aren’t, but if you cool down, you know where to find me.

If people have any questions about my language learning you can send me an email, or ask on my own forum that will probably be up within a month. I will have spontaneous interviews with natives in each my languages over the next months, but only about things I feel are worth sharing. Hopefully once these are up, some of these doubts will be removed. But for some who just hate me no matter what, nothing I can do will change that.

Take care LingQ!


“Yes, Benny is sitting in Amsterdam, cackling widly to himself about all the people he has ripped off. “

Maybe so, but that is not what my respect for Benny’s building his brand implies. I have no trouble with his objectives. If he can build his brand more power to him.

“why bother argue about that point then, if you only go and agree with it? Steve has the same attitude, so he’s a saint.”

Yes both Steve and Benny are building their brands. Benny’s building his on deception and claims that he can’t back up.

“Are you really that gullible? I have a berlitz “Speak Italian in 30 days”. I still don’t think, if I ever bother going through it, that I’ll be speaking Italian in 30 days.”

Frankly I feel the same about Berlitz’ techniques as I do about Benny’s. Why do you respect false advertising so much?

'If you read his blog”

Why should I ? I am not interested in slippery motivational speakers. I am interested in language learning.

“You weren’t comparing anything, you were making assumptions”

I was comparing the results of vetting Steve and vetting Benny in terms of language cred. Remember this?(dooo)“I did my homework with Steve, as most of the people here I am sure have. Doing the same normal rational vetting of Benny comes up with an intentionally misleading, passive aggressive, hypersensitive, hyperbolic, glutton for attention.” My observations are all based on first hand experience of both. I do not have a deep personal knowledge of either. I assume you don’t either.

“It’s also ironic that the one who “isn’t talking about brand recognition”, than goes and wittering on about the name of his blog. “

You are answering criticisms based on language cred with boasts about the numbers of comments and youtube videos Benny generates.

The name of his blog is part of his brand but it is also a factual claim, (as is his personal “polyglot” moniker. ) It is one thing that serves two purposes. I can respect the branding purpose at the same time as I disdain the truth of the claims. I am not one to criticize Berlitz or Benny for fooling people who should know better. But I will ask for proof of his claims . This is not an “attack”.

“those demanding the videos haven’t done any videos which I have seen. “

You don’t get it, yet… do you. I am not making specific claims about anything. What would I make videos about?

“Do you reckon that those who came onto the blog had a right to go off on a tangent like that?”

Of course they have a right. The post was about language learning and the debate was about how to learn languages. Does everything that doesn’t jive with Benny’s ideas “violate” them (sheesh)?

“you are too willing to change the conversation just to criticise him. It wouldn’t be too bad if you just said something constructive. ”

What changed? This thread is about polyglots making videos. I asked Beny to prove his “polyglot” claim. According to whose purposes is that not constructive? Anyway who says I can’t criticise Benny?

You are acting like a freekin’ acolyte. Shape up man.