Asparagus and strawberries

at the same time? sounds fishy to me…

Yes, it’s a lot of extra work but the taste is different and it seems that we like it this way. White asparagus is quite expensive because it is a lot of work to grow it. Recently I ate a meal with white and green asparagus and I like both.

Usually the asparagus season starts earlier than the strawberry season but there is a period when we have both.

Ice cream festival sounds great :slight_smile:

Yes, the “Spargelzeit” in Germany is something special. It officially ends on 24 June each year, although sometimes it gets difficult to get good asparagus after 15 June, I think. Although there are quite a few ways to prepare white asparagus, the classic ones are hard to beat (with a sauce hollandaise and smoked Westphalian ham or with plain butter, delicious!). Some people prefer to dispense with a fork when eating the whole spears, others opt for cut spears and cutlery.

To lower the tone a bit: In his weekly column in the Hamburger Abendblatt Karasek some weeks wrote about the side effects of the asparagus season. I can’t remember whether the column was actually accompanied by a caricature of a gas-mask-wearing toilet attendant, but he has a point. A whole nation’s purification during the much-too-short weeks of indulgence in white asparagus does produce some strong smells…

On a somewhat related note, I prepared asparagus (the green kind) on the grill this evening for dinner, among other vegetables, such as green beens, carrots, and corn on the cob. I also grilled us up some delicious chicken. The asparagus went straight onto the grill, and was then sprinkled with a raspberry hazelnut vinaigrette salad dressing and grilled until the asparagus heads were slightly crispy. It was delicious!

SanneT > . . . A whole nation’s purification during the much-too-short weeks of indulgence in white asparagus does produce some strong smells…

This is my single objection to consuming asparagus. Oddly enough, it is a consequence of eating asparagus that my wife is aware of only by report–she claims not to be affected at all, herself.

"There are two kinds of people in this world . . … "

Odiernod > Your recipe sounds so more-ish, instead of just frying the green asparagus heads, I shall add the vinaigrette next time. Thank you!

Ernie > There are indeed two kinds of people in the asparagus eating world, those of us who can metabolise whatever is in the spears - we are the smelly ones - and those who cannot and are thus not affected by it.

. . . speaking of asparagus For what it’s worth:

but I would not (& have not, myself) spend a lot of time on it.