Asian Languages Now Working, Library Updated

Hi Emma,

maybe there are no lessons with level “No Knowledge”? I tried it for German and I got some lessons with “No Knowledge”.

We still have some highlighting issues and they are being worked on.

Sorry, but can somebody explain to me: what is the difference between blue, yellow and non-highlighted words? Is it still needed to mark word boundaries in east asian languages with a blank? LingQing or highlighting words in Chinese sometimes still doesnt work as expected…


OH!! I see. Yeah, that makes sense!!! Thank you!!!

The original text in one of my lessons is:

怎麼樣, 新加坡 好玩 嗎?

with the vocab items:

But now I see while working with this lesson:

怎 麼 樣 , 新加坡 好玩 嗎 ?

with the vocab items:


But the vocab items 怎, 麼, 樣 dont make any sense here. I am not able to create a vocab item 怎麼樣.

Is there a new algorithm for detection of word boundaries?
If yes - it works not very well…

Blue words are new words. Yellow words are created LingQs with status 1-3. Hover on either type of highlighting to see more information. The blue popup contains up to 3 user hints you can click on or you can create your own hint.

There may be some problem between what you did previously and our new splitting algorithm. I suggest you delete those 3 characters that don’t make sense and then refresh the page and see what happens. You should then be able to select the word you want in blue which you can then hover over to see the popup for it.

Hi Mark, sometimes disappears a word when I lingq a phrase in English. Is this a known issue?

Another thing is when I mark a word that is not marked before and I move with the cursor over the word I see the hints of other users. When I try to create a new LingQ the system shows me that I had created a LingQ before. When I now move over this word I see my own LingQ.

Yes, Vera, we’re working on the problem in IE.

If your previous link is status 4, it is not highlighted but when you select and try to create a LingQ for it again, it will show you your previous hint and it will be yellow on the page until you refresh the page. If you don’t know it and want it to stay yellow, you should change its status back to 1, 2 or 3.

Hi Mark, Thank you for your quick response. The link is status 4. What confuses me is that I do not see my own hint. I mark a white word. It changes to blue. Than I move the cursor over it. I see hints from different users. I click on “New hint”. The LingQ opens. I see it has status 4. Then the colour changes to yellow. When I now move over the word I see my own hint. I hope this is understandable.

Vera, the 3 most popular hints are shown for all blue words. When you highlight a white word, it is treated like any other blue word. If your hint is not one of the 3 most popular, it won’t show.

I would really like the button (or checkbox) “hide all spaces” in Japanese either at lesson page or at profile settings page.
Also, when will charging by character be implemented?

I agree with Cakypa. I am not sure why but I much prefer getting through the Japanese texts written as they would be normally.

I do not know how many people are bothered by the spaces, but I suggest we wait a while to see how people take to it.

I am against making any new changes right now, in how the Asian text appears. The reading online is for the purpose of creating LingQs. You can always print the text, or read the print version.

We may in the future,when we get past all the other t hings we need to do, look at a toggle button to get to a non-spaced version. However, that will raise issues with the LingQing.

So, the bottom line, as we say, is to just wait.

The reason is that in the print version I see normal Emma’s text:

こんにちは!ラサナ の 部屋 は 小さく ありません。(ありません without spaces)

But at lesson page it shows as:
こんにちは!ラサナ の 部屋 は 小さく あり (space) ませ (space) ん

At print version:
子供 は いません が
At lesson page:
子供 は いま(space) せ(space) ん が

And the most inconvenient (as I want to LingQ it)
だから、ロシア の 水道屋さん や お医者さん は とても 失礼 だ と 思います(笑)
だから 、ロシア の 水道(space) 屋(space) さん や お(space) 医者(space) さん は とても 失礼 だ と 思い ます (笑 )

Yes, I can select word even with the spaces inside, but I have to write translation or search for it by myself, as automatically none dictionary can find word “水道(space) 屋(space) さん”, only “水道屋さん”.
Before the main upgrade I used to select text holding “Ctrl” button, so at the word like “水道(space) 屋(space) さん” I could select only “水道屋さん”, but now there is no way to select “dotted-line-like” (I hope you understand what I mean).

Понятно. I will try it out and we will see what we can do.

Perhaps system could check if the lesson has already had space, then do not add any spaces…

I see. You can save the word, or expression with spaces in side it but you cannot search the dictionary. I think the same problem exists in Chinese. I will discuss with Mark and the programmer.

I see this as an inconvenience and something we should get at. There may be more pressing problems to resolve, so no guarantees, but we will look at it.

Is this problem now fixed? IMHO, it’s not fixed.

No, it’s not fixed but we are working on it. We hope to have a solution in the next few days.

I’m not sure what is actually being done, but it appears the words are being checked before the spaces are being automatically inserted. I am guessing this by the fact that I had saved 宮城県 as one word, and it does get highlighted and finds my lingq, but shows up in the lesson with a space before the last character of those three.

From what I see in Japanese (Beta), the space insertion is not yet ideal. It does things like this:
されていない becomes されて (space) い (space) ない
This is the same problem as Cakypa pointed out 6 posts above. For users who are brand new to Japanese and want to use LingQ, this spacing problem would give them trouble learning the language.

I’m curious as to how the words are being found, or how the word boundaries are being decided by the LingQ team. By the results, it looks as though as soon as a word is found a space is being inserted. Such an approach would be finding only the shortest possible words. Indeed, the longest possible word (or dictionary entry) needs to be found.

I favor a no-space approach, and I don’t see a technical reason for there being any need to insert spaces.