Any way to stop Linkq from updating Anki entries?

Issue: I am filtering my Vocabulary to export to Anki, but Linkq is exporting updates to ALL of my vocabulary and overwriting the changes made to my Anki entries.

Is there any way at all to ONLY export data from the vocabulary I have filtered?

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To export specific LingQs only, after you filter them out, you need to select them and then export. This way you can export maximum 200 LingQs at once.

Unfortunately, that works for marking new words in Anki, but the data that is exported includes data from words outside the filter. Those words then overwrite any changes made in Anki from words previously filtered and exported.

To be clear about the use case - just in the event that someone else might also have the issue - I would like to select only specific words in my Vocabulary list after filtering them, so that I can focus my Anki study to specific topics, adding as I go along.

The reason this is an issue is because of the very limited way Linkq manages vocabulary. I am not able to change the display of the word along with the translation and sentence examples. That’s what is valuable about the Anki format. If that were possible in Linkq, I would make those revisions there instead of Anki and the export clumsiness wouldn’t affect my Anki inventory.

So you select the LingQs you want to export, then go More Actions > Export Selected, and it still exports the complete Vocabulary?

Sorry, not quite. I figured it out. I didn’t realize I had Learned words in the list which were overwriting the Anki data.

I appologize for the extra back and forth. All good.

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@Saturnus91 Glad to hear you figured it out!