Announcing the New LingQ Reader

Finally, that mid 00’s design was getting on my nerves.

Sorry but something is wrong. When clicking on the lesson title or the open button I reach a blank page. I’ll try again tomorrow.

@Combiendemarins - That seems strange. What browser are you in? Please try refreshing a few times. If it still isn’t working, please post the lesson url so we can check into it.

I seem to be having the same problem and it appears to be happening on all of my lessons. I am running it on chrome. Apart from this it looks great though. Thanks

It would be nice for the organization to add an option to justify the text of the lesson.

What operating system are you on? We had some problems with Chrome OS earlier but those should be resolved now.

I’m liking it so far. Do I have the option to view the entire lesson in one page like before without having to change the layout to classic?

I think I could like this. Thanks! But I would really like the options set in the reader to be “sticky”. If I chose a different font style and turn off auto play text-to-speech, e.g., I would not expect to have to make those selections every time I log in.

It looks very nice! Thank you.
I have a problem though. With the reviewing new lingqs.In “Classic” version, after I finish to read the lesson and add all the new words, I could go to learn my new lingqs - I could choose the type of training easily and review flashcards, then cloze, then dictation and then multichoice. Now when I go there: 1st - it always says “Session complete”, and second when I choose “review some more” its more difficult to choose the type of training I want. I feel like I can’t control what I want to review. I see “Review lingqs (12)”, but can’t review them as I want. And when I review them in the new version they still stay yellow for a while. And again - it’s like I can’t control what I review and what I want to learn and how. Thank you for leaving “Classic” version so far!
But thank you! New design looks great.

I really love that we can see words within phrases we’ve saved easily now. Thank you for the update!

Yeah I’m using Chrome OS, that must be what’s causing it. Still doesn’t want to show any interface. It just finishes loading the page and shows a blank screen.

We have fixed this issue but I realize it isn’t fixed on the production server yet. It should be available for you tomorrow. Sorry about that.

You’re able to see the full translation (if available with the lesson) but clicking on the icon next to the “classic” button.
But keep trying out the paging, you might not want to switch back ;D

this new lingq 4.0 is nice but I have one problem with playing text-to speech audio for Greek. I imported an article from Greek newspaper and this audio is saying the word by individual letters and not a complete word as it should. Where can be the problem? Like this it is no good to listen to.

Thank you.
I confirm to be on chrome os too.
We’ll wait a day not a big deal for free members like me but what about paying one ?

Hi Mark - I’ve got an issue with lingq4.
I’m using chromebook and since update I can’t load any lesson pages, although chrome on Windows laptop does work.
Is it just me or are any other users face the same issue on their chrome-books ?
I’m not too IT savvy but I did reset all settings and this hasn’t worked.

It’s a bug.

I was sceptical at first when beta testing, but now i actually like the new reader (when it works, that is).

We were listened to mostly and in particular my request for some way of skipping from only blue word to blue word by shortcut key was taken on board and implemented so that’s great.

Some things i still don’t see the point of are things like the apple and the avatar/coins etc. To me, most people on here are adults and i don’t think many people care about ‘levelling up’ their apple or having an avatar with different hats on etc. I don’t see the point of them. They are the sorts of things that would usually be aimed at kids and i don’t think there are many on here.

I agree. When I started I was bewildered by that childish stuff as well, especially since I value LingQ, precisely because it has an adult approach of massive input and not the stupid games you have to play in language classes these days. I like the avatar and the apple now though. It’s silly, but it also is nice to have a red or golden apple. Oh well. Maybe they could make these things optional as well, so one can just get rid of them if one is bothered by them.

It’s not a case of being bothered by it, it’s a case of them wasting time on pointless things like that when the site fails to run properly a good percentage of the time.

People shouldn’t be paying a tenner a month to use something that decides not to LingQ, decides not to LingQ phrases, stops loading lessons randomly etc whilst the LingQ team fanny about on things like a worthless avatar or some apple.