All the Scandinavian languages except Danish?

Sounds like a lot of work indeed. If I were to do something like that I would find a companion or two. That would reduce the work load on each while providing a bit of variety as well.

Hello Estella

Hello Estella I know exactly what you means I study also Danish in 2010 only sources I founds was my asssimil and some songs from Medina. I give up cuz it was impossible learning this language correctly online I switch for Norwegian I learn this during 3 years any regrets :stuck_out_tongue:

replying to a semi-old comment but as a Dane I would seriously recommend learning Danish with both text and audio as the main difficulty with Danish as opposed to other scandinavian languages is the huge difference in the spoken and written language, i.e. how it is written down vs how it is pronounced, hence the potato stereotype

I think ‘NRK’ has lots of transcripts with their replay TV shows but you have to be in Norway. You can bypass the geolocation though. That’s what i did.

Also there is a youtube channel with short (usually 1 min-ish) videos from a radio show with subs called NRK P3.

Apart from that i can’t think of much.

There was a study done - dunno what, where or by who, but it was that Norwegians had a better combined percentage of understanding written and spoken Danish and Swedish than the other two had of understanding the second and third languages of the trio.

Norwegian is also ridiculously simple. Just a shame about the lack of content.

I have the same feelings, Ress! Lots of work and thought to go into creating a “lesson”. I guess the basics need to be addressed that
correlate to A1, A2, etc… And unless you’re a native speaker, then takes at least two people. Who wants to do it for free (other than family members of course)?

Hi Estela,
I just translated and recorded “Who is she” into Danish. I’ll work on some of the “mini stories” too

I don’t know if LingQ still has the intention to add new languages once there’s enough material, but in any case, this will be a start.
Let me know what you think, and I hope you’d consider sharing it with other Danish learners if you find it useful!

Oh my goodness! Be still my beating heart! Yes, those are great quality! So many, too. It must have taken a long time.

Steve also created these mini-stories:

It’s goes along the same line - stories that need to be translated into whatever anyone has time for. A way to get in more languages for LingQ, I hope. 12 hours of audio doesn’t seem a lot … until you get in there and start trying to find material.

They must still have the intention of introducing new languages because of all the work they are doing with the app and website. That’s my assumption, anyways.

This is great!! Thank you!!

I do plan on taking on the mini-stories too. But yes, there’s a long way to go in order to reach the 12 hour mark (I thought it was 15 hours?)

Nope, it is 2 hours of beginner, 5 hours of intermediate and 5 hours of advanced material.

I think it used to be fifteen hours … All the better that it’s twelve! :slight_smile:

The hardest task is to collect those 2 beginner’s hours.

If I manage to record and translate all of the mini stories, I actually think we’ll be approaching the 2-hour mark!

The stories are key, a great way to learn. I will do Danish once we have these stories. Thanks!

To Steve - is there any chance of these ‘mini stories’ for French ?

There were a couple of Danish girls behind me at the tills in Bath Waitrose yesterday afternoon. It was weird, because it felt like there were two robots speaking Norwegian, but that their software was malfunctioning, so that bits of words were disappearing, and others were getting…I dunno…‘slurred’…

(Two almost surreally hot robots, I might add :-D)

Yes, we do plan to have French version of mini stories too. It’s work in progress.

Totally agree that Danish should be a supported language – I was also surprised that they didn’t have it. Although I’m working on Chinese now, my ancestors are from Denmark and I apparently still have extended family there, so I would like to learn it one day.

I once read that Mads Mikkelsen said that when he tried speaking Danish to Swedes they would understand but just respond with a kind of annoyed smile and that this motivated him to go learn Swedish.

Finland: the Ringo Starr of Scandinavia.