Agree or Disagree - It Takes 2 Years to Get Good at a Language

FYI, my known words are far less than 4000ish. When I imported lessons I would go through the pages to see if it worked, therefore making all blue words known.

Wouldn’t you first turn off ‘paging moves to known’ in settings first, and then revert later? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::grin:

Meanwhile, Jodie Foster attended a bilingual French school in L.A. and as far as I know is the only American actor who is not only embraced by French directors as a French actor but also dubs her own voice on French language audio tracks of her English language films.

Speaking of linguistically talented actors/actresses there is also Christopher Waltz I believe I read somewhere that he is fluent in French, English and speaks intermediate Italian along his native German.

If I remember correctly Natalie Portman is also a polyglot but I am not sure about that.

James Remar Speaks Japanese - YouTube :smiley:

Christoph Waltz is my favorite Viennese actor. He is also his own voice actor in French and German dubs of some of his films.

For what it’s worth, it’s relatively easier for these actors to pick up a language or two. They’re used to memorizing lines, they’re used to inhibiting another character, less shy about speaking early, and they get to travel a fair amount, shooting in other countries. And once you can get to an intermediate level in a language, memorizing a scene or two worth of dialog for each day of a shoot, and rehearsing pronunciation, becomes a fairly doable task – and that daily practice would snowball into fluency in a short amount of time for anyone.

Well, It has taken me about a year to get an intermediate conversational level in French and Italian, So I’d say it seems accurate, although it took me a while to finally settle on a consistent method for learning these 2.

This year I began focusing primarily on Japanese and after having done the Essential in Living Language, I’m now concentrated in getting done with the Kanji through the RTK method. My goal so far is to at least get in Japanese the same level I have for French and Italian now, so I’m trying to set myself on a 2-3 hours of study routine.

How many hours of listening until you reach a B2 in comprehension in a language. What would be your opinion on this?
(talking about Romance languages)

This is a bit of a trick question because, listening practice is only as good as your comprehension level that goes along with it. To reach upper intermediate level in a Romance language you’d need a passive, reading vocab of at least 13-15,000 words, AND you’d then need ample listening practice of material that alines with your vocab levels along the way from easy to difficult as you progress. But, when you do a course that combines listening and reading, such as Assimil, or the LingQ beginner lessons, you’re listening as you’re studying, so that goes towards your total.

Technically, LingQ has a listening goal listed under your achievement stats for each level. I don’t know if those numbers are available on a chart somewhere on the site. I know that to reach Advanced 1, they set a goal of 270 hrs of listening (to mostly comprehensible material.). So intermediate 2, I’m guessing they say something around 180-200 hrs.

I think everything in life essentially boils down to opportunity and experience.