Adding Written Pronunciation

In a short story I’m reading in Japanese, the word お店 comes up. I’ve known it to be pronounced [おみせ], and verified that with both the LingQ official story recording and external translation apps. However, only [おてん] and [おたな] show when you click on the word, and the “Tag+” button lets me type, but not submit the correction. I’m guessing that’s what “Tag+” is for, but I’m not sure.

My question is, how do I actually add in the correct written (and if possible audio) pronunciation for the word?

I have also been wondering this for a long time. Hopefully if there is not a solution this can be added with an update. Personally, I have found Japanese is difficult to study on LingQ for reasons such as this.

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I usually add the pronunciation to the definition. You can’t change the auto reading or audio AFAIK.

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It can’t be edited at the moment. Thanks for your report, we will look into it.

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