Adding meaning to new words

Hi @deltasalmon,

Sometimes adding new meanings to newly encountered words can be tricky (with the differences between mobile and the web browser), so I wanted to make sure.

Have you tried these steps and is it still not working for you?:

  1. Navigating to the page you want → clicking on the blue word you want to define:

  1. Clicking on the arrow down carrot :arrow_down_small: :

  1. Typing into the “Type a new meaning here” box:

  1. Hitting your enter/return key so the new meaning displays like this (grey in color):

Note: I included a bit more info in case a future user might benefit from these screenshots, not saying you missed something. (I hope that’s clear. :slightly_smiling_face: )

Just because: Images for Users wanting to add a new meaning to a word via mobile (Android)
  1. Navigate to the page you want → click on the blue word you want to define:

  1. Swipe up on the popup box for the new blue word you clicked:

  1. Type in the New Meaning of your clicked-blue word in the “Type new meaning here” box:

  1. Click the check mark to confirm your new meaning (:ballot_box_with_check:):

Note: Directions included to help others (if they need it) because it took a bit for me to figure out the shortcut of swiping up on the popup, lol. Please ignore if this is unhelpful to your use case.

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