It is just awful when you accidentally complete a lesson and it moves all the words to know. I have done this several times and it’s a huge amount of work to backtrack and find all the words that were set to know that were actually not knows. Couldn’t you PLEASE add an “Are You Sure??” button that you have to click before a lesson is marked as completed?
I’m just getting started, and that’s one of the first things that I did somehow. I’m not even sure how I did it. I wish there were an easy way to ‘unlearn’ about 70 words.
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Or there could be a checkbox in App Settings / Reader:
“Lesson completion moves to known”
First Commandment of Interfaces:
Thou shalt not lose user’s work.
But, LingQ, Won’t. Fix. It.
It puzzles me.
If you’re on a pc this solution may help you.
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