A way to programmatically import lessons to LingQ?

No harm in learning a new tool! Selenium and other similar testing tools come in handy for all kinds of automating repetitive tasks.

I’ll have a closer look next time I have a ebook or other project to import. Especially interested to see how to import the text and audio all in one go. If you come up with something yourself, please share!

I have been investigating the import function of the API, and I have come to conclusion that it’s not actually working. If you point your browser to the url of some other functions described in the documentation, you get a page that describes the method and lets you test it:
but when you go to the import function url:
You get a 404 - not found. It looks as if it has been added to the documentation, but not actually implemented. That or the url is wrong. I hope the dev team can fix this.

Consider using the PhantomJS webdriver (headless browser) to speed up the import process.

I just tried it. At first it looked very plug and play, I just had to swap out the FirefoxDriver for a PhantomJSDriver. But when I ran it for the first time it started cycling on errors. I won’t reproduce them here, because the PhantomJS console doesn’t support copying text from it (@#$%!) I know it would be quite a bit faster if I could make it work. But seeing as I already have a working solution, and I’ve already spent too much time on this, I have no interest in trying to debug a tool I’ve never used before. I’ll polish up my existing app a bit, and then share it with others. If you know a good place to ‘release’ it, please let me know.

Thanks for the post, I’ve decided to join lingq exactly to have an easier time with intensive reading. Real books are among my favourite tools even early in the learning process. I’ll need to reread your post several times to get to know how you do that.

A related question: Can I find courses imported by others in the Library? Somehow I haven’t found quite anything and there should be no problem with copyright when it comes to books on the project gutenberg and similar sites. Or has noone uploaded anything like that so far?

Which language? Have you tried the filters? Filter for audiobooks.

German, French, Spanish, Swedish for now. Especially German and Swedish as I don’t have trouble reading normally in the two others.

I have tried filters but the library seemed to filter only those few courses created by staff, I obviously need to learn how to use the library properly.

I could find courses made by other users only when I was looking at some personal profiles but not through the library.

Thanks a lot for any advice

I tried to import lessons with that method and got 404 error. Maybe import functionality has been removed and documentation remained outdated

i’m not sure what has happened to that api method but why are you using it? Can you not just import using the import lesson page?

Mark, I just tried to import whole e-book to the system. With website import function to do this isn’t so easy :slight_smile: my browser crashing if I try to import long text… so I thought is a good chance to write program, which will do that :slight_smile: by the way, why doesn’t all posts in forum has reply button?

Ah… yes, the whole book import can sometimes crash that function. We do have that in our known issues list. Sorry about that. We will also look into this api issue.

The reply button doesn’t show when there have been more than 4 or 5 nested replies. This doesn’t happen that often but you can just do as you have done and go back to an earlier comment and reply there. Otherwise, this would cause those replies to become narrower and narrower in this string and would look silly. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ye, but you can still to show reply button and to put comment by parent level :slight_smile: that will be more understandable for user

I’ve made a tool for mass import of lessons into Lingq. More about it here: I Made A Tool For Automated Importing Of Lessons To Lingq... It’s not exactly a one-click solution, and it’s limited by what functionality the Lingq site doesn’t provide. But if you’re skilled with computers you should be able to get it to run. I’ve included a fairly comprehensive user manual.

Ok, I will try. Good idea to use selenium for this task! Thk

Good idea!

Sorry, apparently the import method was moved to the new API rather than re-implementing it as part of the old API.
There is no published documentation for the new API yet, but here’s a link to the updated version of the old docs:
https://www.lingq.com/new-apidocs/api-1.0.html#post-https---www.lingq.com-api-v2-language-lessons-. Hope this helps.

Hi Mark, you mention a new lingq API here. It’s been over 2 months since this post, so I’d like to ask: Has it been released yet, or will it be done any time soon?
I’m asking because I’ve once again finished reading my imported stuff, tried to import more, and failed. This has been the pattern since I joined lingq, every few months I have to spend a few days trying to upload my lessons in bulk. Each time I discover my previous solution doesn’t work anymore. The new api would hopefully help.

No update for you on the new api. Is the lesson import function still not working for you? I’ve imported quite long books recently and it worked fine.