A suggestion for reviewing sentence instead of words

I never use vocabulary review. In my opinion there is a misunderstanding of learning a word. What if I could see sentences that a word is used in!
Imagine I have read 100 lessons and the word “unless” is used 6 times in different sentences. It would be great to me to review the sentences instead of a word alone.
on other hand, i read some sentences that i know whole words in but the structure is important to me. what if I could add a sentence instead of a word. I mean there would be a snetence section like word review section or even Favorite sentence section!
I want to do all just in Lingq app not to review on Ankidroid.

Hi @kurdavar.h ,

I agree!

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Thanks for your feedback and suggestion. I’ll add this to wishlist and we’ll see what can be done in future.