44000 known words?

Hello everybody,

I am Sanome Rot who comes from Mon State, Myanmar. I want to be friend all of you because i want to improve my English skill with you. So, i am a new member in this site; in the otherword i don’t know how to study from this website well. I wish all of you can help me. Thank you, my friend.

@ Steve
Yes, it was my misunderstanding due to different interfaces in differemnt languages.
I told all the time that if you make 10,000 lingqs, it doesn’t mean that you know them automatically. It means only that you encounted them in the texts and maybe later after several repeating in other texts or after a special repetition via flashcards you can really know them.
But the number of all ‘known words’ is gradually increasing during your reading and listening.

@ evgueny,

You are right. I know my Known Words but I don’t necessarily know my LingQs. BTW, I still remember our meeting in St. Pete fondly, two years ago, our lunch at the Azrbaijani restaurant and our visit to your school, and the LingQ dinner. This month is a magic time of year in St. Petersburg.


You will have to watch the Help videos, and read the Help. The most important thing is to put in time regularly with English, listening, reading and saving words and phrases. When you are ready you can contact a tutor for conversations. Good luck.

When I go into the vocabulary section, I know about 5-10% of the LingQs.

As I re-encounter yellow words and realize I know them, I mark them up to 2, 3 and eventually 4. The system works. A lot of times, the same source will use certain words again and again. So in the course of reading from one source or type of source, you can learn a bunch of words just by reading.

@steve and dj - The 10000 most frequent words ‘method’ is only a base and should be used along with other interesting content. I haven’t found the content on Lingq interesting for me but that’s irrelevant, I could omit that point. If someone like CHR feels they are struggling with adding known words (I don’t believe they are) maybe they should try out the <$2 dollar notebook method as a base along with lingq and other web content.

Again, it’s not like copying a dictionary or list of words as a primary method to learning, it needs to be supported with interesting and meaningful content, but that gives more freedom to enjoy content all over the internet, as it doesn’t take more than a year and a half to write and define 10000 words. It is a very practical base for learning the words of a language. And writing out things seems to be more effective even if it’s just in addition to what is done on sites like lingq.


What is a spokeuser?

You have not created any LingQs at all . You have not found content of interest in the German library, which I find hard to believe. You hardly use the site.

If you don’t find the content here interesting why not import what you want from the Internet and use the LingQ functionality.

I find LingQing many orders of magnitude more efficient than looking words up in a dictionary and then writing them out out on a piece of paper. Once a word is LingQed, I will always see it again highlighted in yellow. I have flash cards and many other benefits. You should give it a try.

You can find the 10,000 most-used words very easily. Just start reading whatever interests you, on LingQ. It’s a list without the bother of a list.

Spokesuser is just an awkward term I made up for this thread that means a spokesperson online. Ironically and with respect Steve, I’ve recommended LingQ to friends in the past, I’ve used the site for several hours and I’m just ultra picky about content.

Importing new content is something I’ll consider.