40 Minuten täglich?

@Robert: "…Ich glaube, du hast Vera hier wirklich missverstanden. Sie führt die allgemeine Popularität der deutschen Sprache sicher nicht auf ihre Beiträge zurück. Was sie jedoch, meiner Meinung nach völlig zurecht, zum Ausdruck bringt, ist, dass ihre Arbeit (und die anderer Leute) wesentlich dazu beigetragen hat, dass Deutsch hier bei Lingq eine der Sprachen mit den meisten Lernern ist.

Wenn kaum Inhalte da wären, könnte Deutsch so populär sein wie irgendwas, aber es würde kaum jemand Lingq nutzen, um Deutsch zu lernen. Ich glaube, dass Vera das gemeint hat…"

So habe ich das auch verstanden.

(Ich schätze mal, der Paule leidet wider unter Nikotinentzug. Deswegen die gnadenlos scharfe Kritik! :-D)

Hat eigentlich jemand “meinen Edit” gelesen?

“[Edit] Ich habe einen Youtube-Channel zum Gitarrelernen mit 20,000 Abonnenten und mehreren Millionen Aufrufen, aber ich behaupte nicht, dass Gitarrenlehrvideos wegen mir auf Youtube populär sind. [/edit]”

Ich bin gerade übrigens echt erstaunt, dass “wenn man mehr Lektionen als alle Anderen zusammen hat, muss man eigentlich keine Werbung mehr machen” anscheinend so kontrovers ist.

“Ich schätze mal, der Paule leidet wider unter Nikotinentzug. Deswegen die gnadenlos scharfe Kritik! :-D”

Gnadenlose Kritik sieht bei mir anders aus. Vera ist schon ein großes Mädchen und kann das sicher verkraften.

Ja Vera, ich denke gerne zurück an unsere Anfänge hier.
Da hörten wir noch mehr voneinander :slight_smile:


“edit” werden aus meiner Erfahrung selten bis nie gelesen!

Nur wenn jemand die “alten” Beiträge durchsieht.


Having just exerted myself writing a text in German, I’ve decided to use English for this one.

I might return at a later stage to edit this post, replacing English with German, if I find the energy.

This thread has given me an idea.

Why not get together and promote Paul?

Irene has provided lessons with a clear voice and excellent pace not only for beginners but also those at higher levels. Many wouldn’t have been able to use LingQ without her.

Vera has provided a wealth of lessons being mainly either original content or the voices of others from publicly available programs she is allowed to share and has made great efforts to promote LingQ. She has not only collaborated with others on LingQ but also provided lessons with the voices of her family members. I loved hearing her daughter’s voice. ^^ Vera is a treasure to LingQ.

Jolanda has also provided lessons with a clear voice and excellent pace, either as a sole initiative or as a collaborative effort with Vera, Paul and Colin among others. I wish she would make more. ^^

Evgueny has also provided a wealth of lessons not only in German but English and Russian too. Given that Evgueny’s mother tongue is Russian, he can provide an added nuance to his lessons; providing original content on issues he feels important while collaborating extensively with others. If only I understood Russian ^^

Reinhard who has not yet made an appearance in this thread has also provided lessons with a clear voice and excellent pace. Like Irene’s I really enjoyed Reinhard’s as a beginner.

There are others who have only provided a few lessons such as Tobias, Paul, Fingerhut, Safran, Hans Peter and Fasulye actively collaborates with Evgueny. In the past Annett and SanneT provided lessons but these and many of the others, Hans Peter and Fingerhut’s for example have all been transferred to LingQ_Support as the provider.

Why don’t the “biggies” encourage and promote the “small ones”?

I know that Vera tried to encourage Robert to make lessons of his texts here on LingQ. I hope that Robert will acquiesce. The lessons are already there, it’s purely a matter of reading your own texts, Robert. They would be such treasures ^^

I’ve tried to encourage Hans Peter in the past, he’s a thinker too.

I’ve tried to encourage, Paul too. On 5th November, last year after “Ich liebe es (langsames Tempo)” was released, I was so taken by your voice that I accompanied my rose with following text “…und ich liebe es deine Stimme zu hören, besonders in dieser Lektion.” …“Das Experiment ist ein großer Erfolg!!!”

Vera and Evgueny, you could both continue promoting yourselves and make a concerted effort to promote Paul too.

I would like to make an appeal to both Paul and Robert to make more lessons or in Robert’s case to simply read his own texts.

Paul, you are young, your voice is out of this world particularly in: Ich liebe es (langsames Tempo). You also have the added benefit of being musically talented.

Go for it, Paul! Go for it! People will listen to you! I will listen to you!

"Why don’t the “biggies” encourage and promote the “small ones”?

Because they wouldn´t benefit from doing that, I guess.

“The lessons are already there, it’s purely a matter reading your own texts, Robert.”

@Robert - I could read them for you, if you want me too.

“You also have the added benefit of being musically talented.Go for it, Paul! Go for it!”

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

Yes I would also like Jolanda to make more lessons; her voice is so sweet and delicate! :slight_smile: